Name of the Wind Art Deck

I can finally post some images from the NOTW art deck that’s going to be announced in a few weeks. I’m super excited as I’ve been working on them for the past nine months, without being able to share. The books are so wonderful, as is Pat – and the fans are spectacularly fanatical about the universe. All of these factors both inspire and demand that an artist do a *killer* job on this project. If you haven’t noticed, I’ve stripped out my old, defunct, blog and rebooted it. Specifically for this project. I will be posting regular commentary about the deck and the kickstarter as it progresses, here on this blog.

I’ll be talking about my thought process, the design of the cards, influences and more – and answering questions. So if you have a question about the cards, especially about their design or creation – by all means, please leave me a comment! 🙂

Or, if you want to say – great work, Echo! I can see why you’ve been so quiet this year! You can say that too! An artist needs love sometimes!

So, check here for regular updates for the next two months! 🙂


Oh, and hey – if you want to grab any of these images for your facebook profile, or share on your page – go ahead! Just, please link to the kickstarter! (the ks link coming soon!)


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